Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost Job

* We pulled out this inflatable pool on Saturday. I asked Chris to set it up for the kids. I had no idea that all 3 of them would love it!

This has been a crazy week for our family. It started out normal... work for Chris, playdates for the kids, etc. Thursday morning I was cleaning the house while Jackson was at preschool. Chris came home at 10:30 (which never happens) to tell me that he had just lost his job... I was speechless. Apparently his company was bought out and his whole devision was shut down. We were schocked!

This has definately been a hard week for us, but thru this experience we have realized how blessed we are to have such amazing friends and family. After hearing the news on Thursday my Mom immediately came over and took me and Chris to lunch. All weekend we had friends calling to offer help. It has been so encouraging to know that so many people want to help our family, and that they are praying for us. We are so grateful!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello everyone!

I have finally decided to start a blog.

Today was a wonderful day!!! I was able to sleep in until 7:45 this morning while my sweet boys got up early to make me a candy poster for Mother's Day. Jackson was so proud of his work, but kept asking when is "boys" day?!?

Another highlight of the day was that Chris didn't have all of his early morning meetings, which meant we were able to get ready for Church as a family! That is a rare occurance for us!

After Church we went to my parents house for a huge barbeque and my Mom opened her Mother's Day presents. When we got home I opened my Mother's Day present and now the kids are at the park with Chris. All in all, it has been a great day!

*Here are some of my favorite "Mommy Moments"
  • Emma saying "I hold you" when she wants to be held

  • Emma was helping in the yard yesterday and kept saying "careful honey" to herself

  • Jackson calling me "beautiful Momma" which started as a joke, only he still does it
  • I know it's been a good day when Jackson mentions me in his prayers several times

  • Jackson asking what the plan is for the following day

I have two amazing kids and I am so grateful (and proud) to be their Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!